#RoadtoSelvadorada 1.0 – The Pioneer

Hello there, my name is Katarina Farron, and you are looking at the only newest member of the Oasis Springs Corporation Jungle Explorer Team! The list was nonexistent short and tense, but as you can see, I made the cut! I am extremely excited to do all the exploring I can so that the OSC can deem the jungles safe for future generations to explore. Right now they have been deemed foreign soil and must be explored like a Sim Columbus before they allow anyone else to visit those strange lands. I am also doing this pro bono, which means basically…no one will miss me if I die! So, yes, this is my entire life’s savings in one picture, but it is worth it, for Simanity and for the sake of exploration! So let’s jump into my first adventure shall we?

Traits: Hot headed, Loves The Outdoors, Clumsy. 

Age: 23 (YA)

Aspiration: Jungle Explorer

OSC deemed my first objective was to reach some basic understanding of how botany and being logical work, to a reasonable level of 3 a piece. I spent my first day and night outside, exploring my neighborhood and learning what a pawn is.

As you can see, I started a garden and well…it is a bit messy. I will have to clean that up later, but it works for now! Also, I kept having strange nightly visitors knocking on my door, with fangs…Lilith Vatore was very friendly though, and kept her teeth to herself. A vampire maybe? Rumor has it they aren’t just folklore anymore…

Some more late night chess, and I have figured out what a pawn is! Basically useless and powerless is what they are, but good for cannon fodder! Protect the Queen you peasants! Die with honor! Lilith and I hit up the Hijinks Fest in the big city, and I met a lovely woman named Megs! She was a Jokester and I was a Prankster but she didn’t hold it against me even if I totally pranked/annoyed/espionaged her and won because of it and alas, I sold the voodoo doll to some random joker on the street for 950 dollars. I needed the money in preparation for my upcoming trip to the Jungle you see! Lilith was rather miserable the entire night, not good company at all!

I spent the rest of my week adding to my botanical mess of dirt and stems as the neighborhood plants grew to harvest, painting for money, and repairing my cheap washer and dryer. I figured a selfie for posterity wouldn’t hurt either. After all, I was going to be someone soon, a Jungle Explorer! Plus I would definitely be upgrading this house when I could.

02-28-18_2-16-56 PM

(Look who is indeed alive and waiting for me to hurry the plum up…Yes, both this and Bright Horizons are set in the same world, and for now will share a page!)

Finally, FINALLY I had reached level 3 in both Gardening and Logic, per the OSC mandate, and I was prepped, vaccinated, and all papered up for a vacation exploring the unknown territory! I saved up a meager 4,000 from painting, and sunk 1,000 into the cheapest bungalow there was, anticipating I would not be using it very much (thank you Jasmine for the triple boost week!) and I have to say, the jungle was everything I imagined and more. It is BEAUTIFUL! I immediately ran off exploring, starting on one footpath that led me to a marketplace, and a lady selling some survival wares. I had heard rumors that extra machetes was everything in the jungle, or so some Rain and Tigers told me on the plane trip over. I heeded the warning just as well!

I met some locals and bought loads of goodies, learned a bit about Culture before I was running again, this time to investigate some docks. Were the fish here different? I didn’t know how to fish, but as the OSC Official Jungle Explorer I had better figure it out! I never want to leave, this place is amazing!

A PARROT! How adorable, I wish I could have fed it, but I had no food and it was too high up! All the greenery and the shrubs and just all of it, I need this back home. I may have to bring some of it back with me somehow….Hm, let me get back to y’all on that! I fished for a while, enjoying the experience of the jungle, but had no success. Maybe another time!

See what I mean? I have never seen shrubbery and foliage more beautiful…(AN: I NEED DIS ALL OF IT IT IS MINE and I have no idea how I will explain her suddenly having all of this at home LOL! Ideas? Literally insanely gorgeous, the Dev team did AMAHZING!)

I eventually made my way to the National Foresthead, and used my newly purchased machete for the very first time. I felt strangely powerful, wielding such a sharp blade with brutal force…just WHACK! Also, that tree is wonderfully pretty! (AN: I actually love the plants they used on that, they are called Bromeliads and I need to go get some more cause my last one died before I moved to TX! Or they could potentially be Tillandsia, aka air plants! Some botany knowledge DROPPED! *mic drop, walks away*)

Uh…BEES! Like a cowardly lion Fearlessly I surged onward, discovering a forgotten survival pack at a lost campsite. Of course I looted it, scouring for any usable items, and a scorpion jumped out at me and I got STUNG! OWWWWWW!!!! Ugh, I don’t feel so hot…are those green swirls on my skin? That’s probably not good…no, more bees! Run! Run towards the pretty falls! Wait, there’s a blocked door….AGH, RUN!

This bridge is a long ways down, but I chose to keep looking forward, enjoying the view rather than the height! I had heard mumbles of archaeology from the locals, and had brought some tools they had available with me just in case I spotted a dirt patch such as this one! Uh, spiders!? No, no no! GET LOST YOU FILTHY CRITTER! I know just the thing to do with you! BEGONE!

Oooo, these falls are breathtaking…can you imagine bringing a loved one here? A nice lovely date under the moonlight, bring a tent….oh man, is it warm here? Of COURSE it is, it’s the jungle! Haha, time for machete fun! These green swirls are making me feel blotchy…

Beyond those vines I spotted a cute family of sloths clinging to each other in the jungle vines. It was amazing to watch them, so much so I didn’t notice I was walking straight into a low hanging branch filled with fiery fireflies! I ran into that and those flies went up to bug the poor sloth family, and I tried (and failed miserably) to distract the flies with weird screaming dance moves that only annoyed the sloths, and they bonked me on the head with some branches! Let nature be you nuthead! With a sore bump I ran off! A bit too much exploring I think…

I decided to head back to the main village and hit up the bar. Maybe someone would know how to fix these green spots…and I met a lovely elderly woman named Samanta Pacheco. She knew immediately what happened to me; I had been poisoned by that scorpion. How interesting, I have to document this for the OSC. She said she could fix me up an antidote in a jiffy if I could get her some bone dust. Problem is, I didn’t know where to get it. She said I had about another 3 days left before I succumbed to a horrible and painful death. Fun! Let’s go meet some guys to bring to the Falls sometime…ooooh, so let’s see, the redhead is Felipe Castaneda with the squiggly accent above the n that I don’t know how to do, he is rather a nice man. I learned he is a Geek, Family-Oriented, and Lazy. The other lovely prospect is Alan Barrera, and I learned he is Lazy, Jealous, and no idea! Soon after meeting them the Watcher granted me the famous Observant trait, but that didn’t help me learn about these two unfortunately.

In celebration of my impending doom, I learned enough about the culture to get some fancy dance moves! Shake them hips….uh huh, uh huh OPAH! Or whatever you are supposed to say! Rooooomba? I-Robot? Muchacha? Caca? Oh I don’t know haha!

Food, harvesting wild plants, more food, and a cute stray pup, exactly in that order! I tried to meet the pup, but he was gone by the time I came back. Oh well, I am sure the locals feed him well, there are a few strays around! Maybe he keeps the critters away from the Marketplace…it seems to be a safe zone at least.

I spent a day or so at the marketplace, learning more about the culture, enough so that I am now considered a local! Alan was kind enough to make me the antidote I needed so I wouldn’t die, and I got the bone dust from a secret locals only menu from Eloy Guerra, the man with the hat above! He and I wouldn’t mix well I think, as he is Slob, Unflirty and a Dog Lover. Plus he wasn’t interested to stay and chat, and neither was Alan it seems, because he left Selvadorada after this. But look, no more swirls of death!

So I invited Felipe back to the National Foresthead with me and we chatted a bit before he ran away from the bees. I continued to delve deeper into the jungle, determined as ever even while the night sky roared overhead. Crickets chirped around me, but all seemed calm, or so I thought!

Ah! Voltage bugs! Calmly I danced and swayed as the locals had taught me, and the deadly flying bugs left me alone. Thanks Felipe for the lessons! Such beautiful creatures to be so deadly…


I narrowly avoided falling into quicksand, but my bag fell in instead! So I used 1 out of my 4 machetes to snatch it back, but I lost my machete! This is why I bought extra, thanks to the ever wise Rain and Tiger! Plus, I was rewarded with this magnificent temple!  Wow…I really am a Jungle Explorer! What secrets have you got for me?

How beautiful….I need to find some better adjectives huh?

Uh…hi there…don’t eat me please…you have rather large lips…and look extremely angry and hangry….

Success! What’s with the stereos? And the bar that has no drinks, just cobwebs? How strange!

Hot, HOT FIRE! Also I got blessed with my own personal sun from the temple, how neat! It was such a warm and bright thing floating above my head! Also I narrowly missed a dart from that big tower puzzle thing right there, that was scary!

For some reason I was drawn to the temple entrance again, and met the Temple Guardian, we’ll call him Mr. Bones for now since I can’t recall his weird name…Um, okay then you just spin your skull round baby right round….Now back to using my measly skills to slide my way through this temple! (AN: Never let your game continue to play while in a temple, thank goodness nothing happened…I was saving and I thought it would stay paused while I went and got dinner. Nope!)

Oh, there was the dart face. Yes, that dart face.


Yaaaaas, I am a JUNGLE EXPLORER! I GOT TREASURE, see? I did it Mooooooom (I have always wanted to say that!) But dang, I need to study some more, cause that was HARD! But it paid off in the end, and I didn’t get darted!

I went back to town an exhausted champion, ate some local cuisine and finally went to my humble abode to sleep off the three day’s of exploration and energy boosters. Then it was time to dance, enjoy the music and celebrate my last day in Selvadorada! Cute cat by the way. Felipe and I became good friends by the way, nothing romantic, but very good friends! Such a sweet guy.

(AN: I LOVE THAT ARCH! I want one IRL. I didn’t see it until the last second, so a quick picture for y’all =D) With these last few pictures I said goodbye to Selvadorada for now. Now to report to the OSC, and hopefully come back very soon! Adios Jungle with all your creepy crawlies and epic skeletons! Catch y’all later, I’m hoppin’ on a plane going anywhereeeeeeee that is Oasis Springs hehe! Bye!


Kat The Jungle Gal ❤


Coming soon….

So, this was my first experience with Selvadorada, and I have to say it is an amazing place to vacation, I anticipate never going back to Granite Falls haha, this place is fantastic! Hope y’all enjoyed this, sorry for the picture spam! I intend to play this challenge out to the fullest, so here is a quick bit of the rules, also who should be her guy? Alan or Felipe? Comment with your vote, since I don’t know how to do a poll thingie…

Road To Selvadorada Challenge

Made by Simplee over at the Sims Community, as the link says.

Gen 1 Rules: “The Pioneer”

No relic use, can keep the pieces but no assembly!

Reach level 3 in Gardening and Logic before visiting Selvadorada, CHECK!

Explore a temple at least 3 times, 1/3

Master Logic, Handiness & Gardening

Marry a Selvadoradian

The rules say to divorce then marry someone else as an elder, but I am changing this to separate them for a while, then the romance will rekindle as elders. More dramatic but less annoying this way for me!

Plant 2 avocado trees on home lot

Fill artifact case with ancient artifacts

My goals for this generation:

No job/kids until adult

Fix up a nice jungle bungalow

Try all the Selvadoradian food/drink!

Master Fitness and Charisma, since the temples use those as well

Conceive first child at the Falls

Adopt a pet…perhaps one of Monster’s puppies from my #Vladthevamp posts on Twitter, Monster is the Duff’s family dog who bred with Vlad’s dog Daisy…Duffs are something I am working on for the Bright Horizons simlit 🙂

Conceive 2nd kid somewhere else in the jungle, potentially a temple.

Any other ideas for me, since these seem a bit easy/lack luster? Trying to keep with the jungle explorer theme, but need some stuff to do at the home lot as well!

Anyways, thanks so much for reading, and if you made it through the insane pic spam, I applaud you and have a golden sticker hehe! Love y’all, see ya next time!

6 thoughts on “#RoadtoSelvadorada 1.0 – The Pioneer

    • I was amazed at how I got her through unscathed 😂😅 I doubt we will be as lucky next time! I secretly want Felipe to win hehe, he is adorable and keeps calling her! Plus I love those traits! Hopefully next week, going to try and keep them one a week! Thanks so much for reading and taking the time Tiger ❤️ I am so glad you enjoyed it!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I’m sorry I’m reading this sooo late! I only really read while waiting for Sims 3 loading screens! The reference to Rain and Tiger had me giggling. As did leaving the game running while going to eat! FYI it won’t pause after saving/loading unless you have the setting in MCCC turned on. She sure seemed like she had a good time. You got a lot further into the jungle than I have. I agree with Tiger I like Felipe.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good, cause next time I go into that household Felipe is joining the jungle crazies! It’s gonna be fun mwahahaha! Yeah, I keep forgetting it’s ts4 that does that only! Ah well, it happens only rarely! Thanks for reading, and no worries! I read generally early in the mornings or during a spare minute in the day. Or in the bathroom at school…XD gotta avoid them lessons somehow!

      Liked by 2 people

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